
Chanting Textile

I really like stuff  related to sound, sort of totally rational and logical narration which are dressing with pulse of emotional and sensetive feelings. Especially scandinavian artist, they always give  sense of  fresh idea  instead of presenting boring cliche.Blew is testilen designed by sweden  artists.They are not just clothes.Each piece of clothes is a textile instrument.The image is heard and teh sound is seen!

text by Jeannine Han

Textilen is a project designed to draw the human senses to the world of micro and macro patterns in sound and color and to explore methods for correlating the two mediums. This goal is accomplished via a two-fold process. First of all, patterns in sound are explored through the use of textile materials by way of creating new instrument interfaces, synthesizer sources, and tones in music harmony. Textilen involves challenging the traditional perception of a textile garment as solely a vehicle for visual and tactile stimulus by incorporating auditory stimuli, which complements the patterns, colors and textures of the existing material. The visual language of the textile is reflected in the musical language created by the piece, acting as if the materials were sheets of music for an orchestration. This metaphor of an orchestration of textiles and sounds is realized in several layers of the project, however, it manifests itself primarily in the form of several characters, each with their own costume; functioning as a visual and audio communication device.

Secondly, the patterns of the textiles themselves are explored and incorporated into costumes and characters so an association between the emanating sounds and the visual stimulus presented by the characters, highlights the underlying patterns used in both mediums. The building blocks of these characters were cut from self reflections of transformation, transcendence, adventuress, curiosities, and what I inspire to be. The process was literally the making of a band, from instrument design to character designs consisting of four personas: Nomad, Dream Weaver, Creature, and Shepherd. The final presentation will be organized in the context of a ritualistic performance art piece in a controlled sound environment, this ritual is to be a catalyst in strengthening social bonds between the characters. 
Electric Ribbon (First Performance Full) from Umlaut Brikauski on Vimeo.

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