
October Library Research-Drawing Technic 2

Jackson Pollock
Pual Klee
The precision of Klee's drawing that this linear style represents the deliberate forming of an image-idea;whereas Pollock's drawing represents the spontaneous release of an image-feeling.Klee's line is vibrant.The line s in Botanical Gardens are nervously touched-down,there are many more of them and they break and waver here and there as they deny a rigid parallelism.Tone values also appear;where the lines come closer together the area becomes 'grayed',and where they move further apart the white  ground appears to be much lighter.Tonal   change gives a little depth to the image,and allows some differentation to be made between forms and the ground on which they stand.Even so,this is a drawing which gives us precise information about the structural contour of shapes and their directional movement in space... ...An act of artistic resolution produces both  a psychological and a physical tension in the artist's consciousness.The psychological tension results from the compulsion to translate the events of the mental and emotional life into the concrete image we call a work of art-and in so doing to discover and develop the graphic or sculpture form which is correlative to them.The physical tension develops from the kinesthetic problem  manipulating the chosen medium to best serve the demands of this developing image... ...Be aware of the duality of a work of art-its physical form and its spatial form... ...Lines of drawing as space -markers first and recognizable objects second.Historically,the central problem of perception has been taken to be how we see depth and distance,the so-called third dimension space.

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